by joecettina | Jul 15, 2023 | Fig Health, Fig leaves
Figs pair well with a variety of flavors and ingredients. Here are some foods that go well with figs:Cheese: Figs and cheese make a fantastic combination. Try pairing figs with goat cheese, blue cheese, brie, or camembert.Nuts: Figs and nuts create a delightful...
by joecettina | Jul 14, 2023 | Fig Health
Figs, both fresh and dried, offer a variety of health benefits due to their rich content of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Here are some of the health benefits of figs:High in Nutrients: Figs are high in several essential nutrients, including calcium, potassium,...
by joecettina | Jun 20, 2023 | Fig Health
mosaic virus here is an explanation the mosaic virus on fig trees in simple terms. The mosaic virus is a common viral disease that can affect fig trees. It gets its name from the mosaic-like patterns it creates on the leaves of infected trees. This virus is primarily...
by joecettina | Sep 23, 2022 | Tools
Under the Fig Leaf includes educational information, more than 130 great fig recipes, and preparation, selection, freezing, drying options, rehydration, packaging, and storage tips for figs.This cookbook is an excellent horticulture guide to growing fig trees,...